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Concept Design

DISCOLORED MASK為可替換具含菌量檢測濾材的口罩,改善長期配戴口罩造成內外側細菌孳生及環境汙染問題。使用者可選擇不同等級之濾材放至於口罩內外層,外層可使用有檢測懸浮微粒及一氧化碳的一氧化碳染劑濾材等醫療用濾材;內層則使用單純檢測細菌含量的膠體金檢測試紙。當試紙濾材因使用而變色時,代表細菌孳生過多需替換濾材與清洗口罩本體;而本體為可防塵的新聚氨酯材料,可清洗後重複使用。
It is a mask that can replace a filter screen with bacteria detection. The outer layer may use a carbon monoxide dye filter, medical filter, colloidal gold test, or N95 filter with electrostatic layers. The inner layer uses colloidal gold test paper that detects bacterial content. When the test paper is discolored due to use, it means that the bacteria have grown too much. You need to replace the filter screen and clean the mask. The body is a New-Polyurethane that can be reused after cleaning.


2020 Red Dot Award:Brands & Communication Design_Red Dot
2020 Young Ones ADC_Silver Award
2020 World Campus Masters世界校園大師畢設作品優選計畫_決選中
2020 DNA Paris Design Awards_Honorable Mention
2020 金點新秀設計獎_入圍入圍決選
2020 智慧生活創新創業競賽_現場最佳人氣獎
2020 廣東 “ 眾創杯 ” 創業創新大賽_優勝
2019 中原第二屆創新創業競賽_佳作

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