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茶積 Plant Tea Tray

Concept Design

Plant tea tray以人與人的互動與喝茶時的享受為主軸,品茶時每壺所剩餘的茶水可倒至旁邊的香草植物區,茶水從香草植物中流出,潺潺流水象徵著雨水經由山頂匯集入河川中孕育生命,河川上放置茶杯處為過河的石頭,主人可透過茶水放置的位置與賓客互動,增加品茶的閒情逸致。茶盤主體以水泥製成,避免過多的茶水沉積於茶盤上。Plant tea tray擺脫原本品茶的框架,加入香草使品茶多了更多未知的變化。
Plant tea tray is based on human interaction and tea-drinking enjoyment. The remaining tea in each pot can be poured into the side of the vanilla plant area. The flowing water means the harvest of rain that gathers into the river through the top of the mountain to give birth to life. The host can interact with the guests through the place of the tea, increasing the leisure of tea tasting. Plant tea tray gets rid of the original tea-tasting frame and adds vanilla to make tea more unknown changes.


2020 第三屆溫州國際設計雙年展_入圍
2020 第三屆國產木竹材設計競賽_佳作
2020 金點新秀設計獎_入圍

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