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手提式簡易型手術房 Front Rescue
Concept Design
Front Rescue為手提式簡易型手術房,可讓救護人員快速攜帶進災害現場或惡劣環境中為傷患進行緊急手術使用。Front Rescue主要包含殺菌主機與手術工具盒,卷軸式結構與充氣式手術空間可因應不同地形與現場狀況。當救援人員發現傷患時,將需進行治療的患者傷口放於產品中,藉由奈米防水薄膜與吸血底板進行包覆,透過殺菌主機將外界空氣透過陶瓷過濾基板過濾與UV光殺菌,並進行充氣形成隔離外界的微型手術室,方便救援人員進行治療。
When a disaster occurs, it will make a large amount of dust and bacteria to cause infections in the patient's wounds. Front Rescue is a temporary operating room that is easy to carry and can be quickly used and treated in the disaster area for the first time.
iF Design Talent Award 2019_2_Best of the year
2020 European Product Design Award_Winner
2019 International Design Awards_Bronze Award
2019 DNA Paris Design Awards_Winner
2019 Indigo Design Award_Silver Award
2019 醫學工程創意競賽_佳作
2019 第三屆全國慈悲科技創新競賽_佳作
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